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Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to use Wechat in Desktop,Laptop,or Tablets using Internet browser.

How to use Wechat in Desktop,Laptop,or Tablets using Internet browser.

Hey guys since everyone knows about Wechat which is a social media application ,through which you can send free text, voice mails ,videos , or audio or video chat . It is developed by the Shenzhen corp of China .so it is gaining much popularity in these days . The most of the east Asians countries people are using Wechat .

so people might feel easy to use it and most are using it too ,so today I want to share something about the new features of it called WEB WECHAT .
so web wechat is a new feature of Wechat and these feature will help you to use the wechat from the laptop,desktop, etc 
so to use it do the following
  1. open any browser and go to
  2. then you can see a Barcode 
  3. so just open your wechat in mobile and go to "SCAN QR CODE " 
  4. then when you scan the qr code you will be asked to enter into and click on it on mobile .
  5. then you are done your wechat will open there and when you are done ,dont forget to logout from mobile.
thanks for reading and any problem then do comment below ..

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